Empower Yourself

With ThetaHealing classes and sessions in Singapore and online!

Do you find yourself constantly facing the same kind of issues, albeit under different circumstances?

Have you set your sights on a certain goal, but cannot figure what is holding you back?

Are you hesitant about pursuing something because you worry how your family and/or friends will react?

Do you feel/know you can do tonnes better, but have no idea how you can do that? 

Every human being is brought into this world with vast potential to achieve our unique mission and purpose.

Would you like to know you can truly and fully shine in your own power?

ThetaHealing® In Singapore
Courses Available

Foundational Courses 2024

Decorative image of blue skies with a smiley parachute soaring like what ThetaHealing in Singapore can do for you.

Intuitive Healing Sessions

Hi, I am Ping. I believe that every human being is brought into this world with vast potential to achieve our unique mission and purpose. Equipped with the tools to release limiting beliefs and to overcome difficulties, I enjoy empowering people to embrace a larger world of possibilities beyond what we can see with our earthly eyes. I want to share this set of skills with as many people as I can, starting with ThetaHealing in Singapore.

I am an entrepreneur and a professional. I enjoy a creative life conjuring innovative ways to solve problems.

As an adjunct lecturer, I guide undergrads on their design journey. It is my passion to help people develop and sharpen their life skills and approaches to be the best that they can be. 

As an intuitive counsellor, I work with you to shine light on your hidden potentials.

Together, we will identify the hidden programs running in the background that subconsciously hold you back from achieving your conscious goals. Through releasing these limitations, you get to reclaim your power – the power that is in you all along. 

Decorative Image of blue skies with a soaring plane.

Spiritual Wellness Tools I Use

Energy Healing Modalities

The main healing modality I use is the ThetaHealing® technique, although I am trained in other spiritual healing tools and modalities that provide deeper insights into exploring the human consciousness and potential. It is my great pleasure to share ThetaHealing in Singapore with you through classes and sessions, while at the same time incorporating various empowering energy healing tools in private sessions to provide you with a truly holistic healing experience.


The Theta state is a dreamlike state in which brainwaves slow down to between four and seven cycles per second. This is a very deep state of relaxation; a creative, inspirational state characterised by spiritual sensations. By holding a conscious Theta state, we can release deep-seated beliefs and heal at many levels.

Shadow Mastery

Our shadow is the disowned or repressed parts of us which we refuse to see in ourselves. Owning our shadow helps us reclaim the potential that has been suppressed together with the disavowed. By understanding our whole self, we develop and grow into the authentic version of us, and also mature in our perception of others.


Neuro-Linguistic Programming uses language to programme our nervous system into more useful habits. By being aware of our thoughts, working to reframe our thinking, change our focus and conscious thought patterns, we can create the life we desire. By developing the right habits in any situation, we can model and attain success.


Translated as “universal life energy”, Reiki is a Japanese healing art. Usui Reiki was the first energy healing modality I started my spiritual journey with in 2006, and opened my door to a world beyond physical senses. After a decade of informal practice and exploration into spiritual healing arts, I followed up with formal training in Kundalini Reiki.

Arcturian Healing

The Arcturians carry highly advanced, very loving and peaceful frequencies, and work with souls aspiring to journey with them to a higher level of consciousness. I channel the Arcturian healing frequencies in private sessions to promote healing on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.

Sacred Activations

Sacred Activations run frequencies from Source to activate our dormant DNA codes and sacred geometry. These energetic processes disconnect us from the collective consciousness, and release limiting beliefs, thus aligning us with our true essence. It facilitates spiritual growth, healing, and empowerment.

Testimonials on ThetaHealing Sessions

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DVFM Consulting

Viva Vista #01-38
3 South Buona Vista Road
Singapore 118136

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